Thursday, November 02, 2006

Let the fun begin

The Enemy: JLPT Level 1
One month and one day to go until the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Eek. Kinda scary. Especially so since 1-kyu is on the menu this year and because I haven't really studied since I wrote last year's test. Oh well. Being back from Japan, there's a little bit of free time right now, so I've set November aside to do as much as I can to try and pass the test. The plan is to put in at least 5-6 hours of studying every day between now and December 3, test day. That's going to take a whole lot of discipline and in the end it will probably all be in vain, but one thing that's certain is that if I keep to it, my Japanese certainly won't get any worse over the next month.
I was on a website today that said for 2-kyu you need to know 1000 kanji (cumulatively, including the level 3 and 4 stuff). Then for 1-kyu you need to learn another 1036 on top of that. Great, so essentially that means that the kanji knowledge I've built up over the past three years has to be doubled in 30 days. Whatever. It'll be a learning experience. Wish me luck.


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