Goodbye August
So the end of August marks almost a month that I've been back from Japan. I don't have much of interest to say this week, but thought I'd post since it will probably be the last before heading off on the great East Coast drive with Andrew.
Monday was another nice, sunny day and so I went down to the EX with Danielle and Lea, her visiting swiss exchange friend. Dani had never been to the EX, which is not exactly that surprising since Canada's Wonderland is less than a half hour from home and given the fact that the EX really is a rather outdated fair that hasn't changed much over the years. That notwithstanding, there were plenty of people there walking around the grounds enjoying the games, rides and food. Above you can see the three of us in the back of the very protective yet prone-to-fatal-rollovers LAV III, on display at the Armed Forces setup and currently in wide use in Afghanistan.
The food building was really something to see, but the highlight of the day came right after we walked in the gates in the morning. We saw one of those 'guess your age or weight' booths and Dani, looking very much like a teenage Paris Hilton, was sure that the guy would overestimate her age, and wanted to play. She wasn't wrong. The carnie waffled a bit but eventually guessed that she was 20 years old, a full 6 years older than the 14 that she is (well, she turns 15 next week.) Prize in hand, we all had a good laugh as the carnie kept repeating, "No way! NO WAY!"
The only other thing of note this week was finding TWO MORE new Kit Kat flavours, brining my total to 32! One was just dark chocolate, which only just qualifies as new for me, since I've had a few similar to that in Japan. The other, however, was cinnamon, which sounded like a really intriguing pairing for chocolate. I tried it last night, and sure enough, it both smells and tastes of cinnamon, and the combination of that with chocolate was better and dare I say more sophisticated than I imagined it would be. Spice and chocolate? Well after all, that's how the Maya and Aztecs were brewing it several hundred years ago when the Spanish showed up.